Our Henderson Nevada Location is
a Mail-Order Warehouse,
No Showroom.
Pickups and visits by appointment only.
ORDERS or Returns: Call for authorization
ORDERS 702-419-3070 – Thank you.
Manufacturer: #01 Doc's Exclusive Product
For Special Orders Just Click on the ADD TO CART Button. It will add SEPCIAL ORDER to the cart with a price of one penny. Don’t worry the cart will not charge you a penny, just follow the instructions.
Fill in the information. And at the bottom of the second page, you will see an order comment. Type in the special request you have.
If we have discussed a special price on the phone and you want to transmit your credit card information simply put that in the comment section and remind me of our conversation. Mark the payment type Check or Money Order. DO NOT MARK it Credit Card or it will charge a penny to your credit card.
Instead, in the comment section enter your credit card information. Be sure to put your Credit card number the expiration date, the CVV code, the name the card is under and your billing address and zip code. If the name address is the same as the Name address information you have already added just simply put NAME and BILLING is the same.
If you only have a question or inquiry, put that in the comment section after you have marked the payment section check or money order. Do not add any credit card information. That will allow you to transmit your inquiry without having to add any payment information.
Thank you,
Retail Price: $0
Your Price: $.01